Thursday, February 12, 2009

Love Potion No. 9 (1992) Dale Launer

Love Potion No. 9 (1992) Dale Launer

Director: Dale Launer | Writer (WGA): Dale Launer | Cast: Tate Donovan, Sandra Bullock, Mary Mara, Dale Midkiff, Hillary Bailey Smith | Producers: Dale Launer, Jeffrey Downer, Thomas M. Hammel | Music: Jed Leiber, Ennio Morricone | Cinematography: William Wages | Runtime: 92 min | Country: USA | Language: English | Format: DvdRip, Color, NTSC, Avi | Distributors: 20th Century Fox


Synopsis: Paul Matthews (Tate Denovan) is a lonely biochemist with a crush on his unavailable co-worker, Diane Farrow (Sandra Bullock). His friends take him to a gypsy on 34th and Vine named Madame Ruth. After reading his palm and seeing absolutely no romance in his life, Ruth gives him a small bottle of very diluted Love Potion No. 8. As a scientist, Paul has doubts, and ends up throwing it in the trash when he gets home. Around this time, Paul's friends buy him the services of Marisa.
His cat gets into the trash and eats some of the potion; then it meows and attracts all the other cats in the neighborhood. When Paul sees the results, he takes it to Diane, and they find out the "scientific" properties of it. After analyzing it, they decide to use themselves as human test subjects. Diane ends up attracting an Italian car mogul and the prince of England, ending up getting a makeover in the process, while Paul has a string of hookups with women in bars, supermarkets, cars, and sorority houses.
Paul and Diane realize their romantic attraction to each other and become involved. Eventually, Paul plans a proposal to Diane; however, when he comes by her house to do so, she has fallen into the arms of Gary, whom she was dating briefly earlier in the movie. Paul gathers his friends and tells them about the potion, which causes them to laugh in his face. He then calls Marisa and gives her some potion; she then proves to Paul's friends what the potion can do.

The premise of Love Potion No. 9--that a magic potion makes the user irresistible to the opposite sex--could be the setup for the crassest sex farce imaginable. Instead, this film is a surprisingly subtle romantic comedy. Nebbishy scientist Paul (Tate Donovan) goes to a Gypsy fortune teller (Anne Bancroft), who tells him she sees no women in his entire life. To make up for this depressing news, she gives him a few drops of a love potion--number 8. Paul, a biochemist, scoffs; but when his pet cat accidentally gets a taste and attracts every female cat in the neighborhood, he enlists fellow dweeby scientist Diane (Sandra Bullock) to analyze it. After experimenting on monkeys, they decide to test it on themselves; soon Diane is being pursued by handsome Italians in the street and comes close to marrying the Prince of England (sic), while Paul gets a little revenge on a woman who previously rejected him, then embarks on his own love spree. Shortly they discover that they really want each other; but before they can get married, an old boyfriend of Diane returns with his own dose of love potion number 8. Paul's only hope is to get something even more powerful. Love Potion No. 9 is genuinely clever and sweet, and both Donovan and Bullock work well with the low-key but effective humour of the movie's well-written script. It's a tribute to her talent and her girl-next-door looks that Bullock, unlike most pretty stars dressing down, is effective as both a lovelorn loser and the confident glamour-girl she becomes. Altogether, a charming and enjoyable film.

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